Katamco Blog — Toilet Timer

Potty Training Children with Autism Using the Toilet Timer

Posted by Adam Stephey on

Potty Training Children with Autism Using the Toilet Timer

Potty training a child with autism can require different methods and motivators. Motivators that work for others may be ineffective for children with autism. These children may also find a lot of comfort in their routine, and they may not be interested in changing it. Not every child is going to respond to the same motivators, so it’s important to try different strategies and see which works best for each child. WHY DO CHILDREN WITH AUTISM NEED A DIFFERENT ROUTINE? Less Social Motivation Most children want to start potty training because they want to mimic the behavior of their parents...

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Top 10 Reasons the Toilet Timer and Poo-Pourri Are a Perfect Pair

Posted by Adam Stephey on

Top 10 Reasons the Toilet Timer and Poo-Pourri Are a Perfect Pair

The Toilet Timer and Poo-Pourri are a powerful pair with the ability to change the entire bathroom experience—for yourself and the other poopers in your life. Say goodbye to awkward excuses to explain why you’ve been gone from the party for half an hour. Say goodbye to apologetic glances as you watch someone walk into the bathroom you just destroyed. Because this duo is about to save the day.Here are the top ten reasons that the Toilet Timer and Poo-Pourri are a perfect pair: 1. TO BE MORE CONSIDERATE OF YOUR FELLOW MAN They’ve waited and waited to use the...

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Top 10 Reasons the Toilet Timer and the Squatty Potty Are a Match Made in Heaven

Posted by Adam Stephey on

Top 10 Reasons the Toilet Timer and the Squatty Potty Are a Match Made in Heaven

The Squatty Potty captured our hearts and entered bathrooms with their viral "Dookie™, the mystic unicorn that poops ice cream" videos. Our Toilet Timer hasn't been around as long, but we think now is the perfect time to join efforts and take back bathroom health together! So let's start our Top Ten Reasons the Katamco™ Toilet Timer and the Squatty Potty™ Toilet Stool are a match made in heaven! 1. MORE EFFICIENT POOPS The Toilet Timer keeps bathroom breaks to about 5 minutes. If you’re saying, “I can’t bake my brownies in 5 minutes,” you’ll be happy to hear that the...

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The Toilet Timer in the media

Posted by Adam Stephey on

The Toilet Timer in the media

We love finding articles about our gag-practical Toilet Timer in the wild! Here is a collection of some places the Toilet Timer has popped up in the media. As seen on:   https://www.scarymommy.com/toilet-timer-kickstarter/ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/katamco/the-toilet-timer   https://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/search/toilet%20timer http://shutupandtakemymoney.com/the-toilet-timer/ https://www.simplemost.com/toilet-timer-tool-gets-men-off-toilet/  

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How long should you spend on the toilet?

Posted by Adam Stephey on

How long should you spend on the toilet?

THE RISKS OF TOO MUCH TOILET TIME Did you know that spending too much time in the bathroom can have more dangerous effects than irritating your roommate or spouse? The shape a toilet seat causes a lot of pressure to the be put on the lower rectum[1]. If you’re spending more than a few minutes to do your business, you could be at risk for hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and, in extreme cases, anal prolapse. Let’s ease into this. ANAL PROLAPSE This is the least common but most serious injury that could incur from spending too much time on the toilet....

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